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在英文面试时 “Why should we hire you?” 这个问题常以不同形式出现。不论是新鲜人刚毕业没有工作经验,或是想要转职去新领域但缺乏背景,都很常会被问到「为什么要选你? 而不是其他更有经验的人选?」当遇到这个问题时,该如何有效回答呢? 该如何说服人你是公司该选的人才?

世界首富 Amazon 创办人贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos) 也曾经被问过这问题,七年前他收购华盛顿邮报曾被人问到「你在报纸产业没有相关背景,收购华盛顿邮报这个决策如何使人信服?」针对这个问题,他给了一个非常有说服力的回应,而后也证明他收购后也成功让华盛顿邮报走向新的巅峰。想知道他是如何回应? 我们先来一起读原文,在讲解可以如何应用从中获得的启发到面试上


"Don (chairman of Washington Post), over a series of conversations, convinced me that that was unimportant because we had, inside The Washington Post, was have so much talent that understands newspapers. That wasn't what the problem was. What they needed was somebody who had an understanding of the internet.

In the old days of paper newspapers, you would have to build printing plants everywhere and your logistics operations to have a truly global newspaper. That's why so few papers actually became national or global. … But today with the internet, you get that gift of free distribution, so we had to take advantage of that gift.

We had to switch from a business model where we made a lot of money per reader with a relatively small number of readers to a little tiny bit of money per reader on a very large number of readers. And that's the transition that we did with our site."


华盛顿董事长说服 Jeff Bezos 他不懂报纸产业没关系,因为那不重要。重要的是 Jeff Bezos 懂网路。在旧时代,报纸的印刷、物流营运等限制导致报纸很难真的做到全国或全球。但在网路时代,派送报纸的成本趋近于零,贝佐斯认为应该要抓住这个特点。因此需要从过去少数读者,但每位读者身上赚比较多的钱,转换成大量的读者,但每位读者身上赚一点点钱。贝佐斯带给华盛顿邮报的是这样的商业模式转换。



  • 步骤一:试着写下几个你的优势与专长,特别是那些能带给既有产业、职位不同价值的
  • 步骤二:试着写下当你的优势结合上该产业、职位,可以碰撞出什么新火花、引发何种创新


I wouldn’t interpret having no background in the role of (你想去的新职位) as a disadvantage. Lacking experience is unimportant because what the company needs at this moment is (你的长处) I have the kind of insights it takes to (做到对该职位来说重要的事)

With my gift of (再次强调你的强项) I could add value beyond what the company was expecting. In fact, I believe combining my talent with what the company has already been good at, we'd be able to (你能在这个产业上做的创新)

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