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上篇文章 如何有效提高獲得面試的成功率? ,談到如何有效提高「獲得」面試的成功率,這一篇延續這話題,來談如何有效提高「通過」面試的成功率。


我們一樣會從訊號 (signal) 的角度切入。這時你或許會問,面試時該展現什麼訊號呢? 要回答這個問題,我們要從面試官的角度想,面試官想要看到什麼訊號?






這時你可能會問,具體來說,什麼樣叫做溝通能力好,什麼樣不是? 這邊用Google 的技術面試評標準為例 (其他間公司的大同小異),來看看區別在哪。

  • 4 Points: Throughout the interview, the candidate communicated with perfect clarity. The interviewer had no difficulty understanding the candidate's thought process, the trade-offs of the candidate's different approaches, and how the candidate approached the problem. The candidate's answers were well-organized and succinct. 面試過程中,候選人以完美清晰的方式進行溝通。面試官不會無法理解候選人的思考過程、不同方法的取捨,以及候選人如何處理問題。候選人的回答組織良好且簡潔。
  • 3 Points: The candidate communicated with their interviewer adequately throughout the interview. The interviewer may have needed to ask the candidate follow-up questions about their thought process, the approach, etc. 面試過程中,候選人與面試官進行了充分的溝通。面試官可能需要就候選人的思考過程、方法等方面提出跟進問題。
  • 2 Points: The candidate did not communicate very well or clearly throughout the interview. The interviewer may have had difficulty following the candidate's thought process. The candidate may have been disorganized in their answer or jumped right into coding without properly explaining themselves. 面試過程中,候選人的溝通不夠清晰。面試官可能難以跟上候選人的思路。候選人的答案可能缺乏條理,或者在沒有適當解釋的情況下直接跳下去寫程式。
  • 1 Point: The candidate could not communicate with any clarity. The interviewer had extreme difficulty following or understanding the candidate's thought process or approach. The candidate may have stayed silent for much of the interview, even when directly addressed by the interviewer. 候選人的溝通非常不清晰。面試官非常難以理解候選人的思路。候選人在整個面試過程中,長時間保持沉默,即使面試官直接提問,回答也簡短或沈默。

推薦大家平常在練習面試時,可以自己用這個評分標準,來評斷自己在溝通的面向,是否有做好。此外,在 E+ 成長計畫當中的專屬內容《白板題面試 — 如何持續溝通與互動?》詳細分析在一場技術面試中的各個環節,可以如何讓面試官覺得「這個候選人在溝通上做得很好」,推薦在準備面試時也可以先詳讀那篇。

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